Environmental consultants are tasked with the remediation of thousands of contaminated sites. Their clients are among the world’s largest and most demanding corporations. Contractors hoping to work on their sites must meet stringent requirements to even bid for the opportunity. It’s competitive and unforgiving.

Summit Drilling knows their business and has always been well qualified and equipped to perform the work. The market however, viewed most drilling contractors to be essentially the same. So why would they choose Summit over another driller?

The need for a unique and value-driven position was just beneath the surface.

Creative Counsel mobilized its strategic methodology and helped Summit drill down and extract key parameters that would revitalize and elevate their story. An Exceptional Experience was formalized as Summit’s tagline. This promise was further expanded and integrated operationally. Each team member committed to a new oath, “I’m responsible for your experience”, essentially taking personable accountability for the brand promise and customer experience.  

Today, Summit is effectively separating themselves from the pack. Their customer base is growing. Their brand is unique, differentiating and in perfect alignment with their market’s most critical needs.

All drillers are no longer the same

See more Summit Drilling samples

(609) 575-1415   |   Princeton, Jct. NJ

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